Siani Food mainly imports and distributes food products in Europe. The emphasis is on frozen, vegetable products. These products are primarily from the Middle East and are characterized by quality, taste and great convenience and a high degree of innovation.

The company Siani Food in Zäziwil BE (Switzerland) exists since 1 July 1992. The founder and dipl. Food Engineer Aharon Siani has many years of experience in industry, research and development and marketing.

Business philosophy:

High degree of innovation.
Best functioning network with qualified suppliers.
Great flexibility thanks to lean infrastructure.
Quick response to specific market needs and trends.
Initiate new trends.
Modern technology enables us to keep the infrastructure very lean and to fully focus on our strengths and priorities, by outsourcing individual administrative and logistical activities. Fast, reliable, solid!

Since Siani Food does not have to consider its own production lines and logistics costs, we can offer our customers tailor-made solutions, free of restriction or pressure. We can quickly adapt to the respective wishes of our partners, customers and end users!

The experience of the meat industry has shown very early on that the future lies in the vegetarian market. When the company was founded 18 years ago, this was still an underdeveloped area. Meanwhile, the vegetarian market has gained enormous importance. Today, Siani Food is one of Switzerland’s best-known companies in the growing market for herbal high-convenience products, finger food and oriental products, as well as kosher foods and halal products.

We deliver our products to major distributors, to retailers and via web shop to customers throughout Switzerland. In the deep-frozen area we deliver directly to the customers, in the fresh area we operate each with a 3rd party, which thaws the products and sells them in fresh packaging.

From now on, Siani Food will supply hummus, tachina, lettuce turkish, aubergines with mayonnaise as well as eggplant greek to all globe delikatessa shops.

New Releases! Gluten free:
Gluten-free baked goods as frozen products: bread, pita bread, puff pastry, cinnamon rolls and croissants.


Ab jetzt  wird Siani Food Hummous, Tachina, Salat Turk, Auberginen mit Mayonnaise sowie Auberginen Greek an alle Globus Delikatessa Geschäfte liefern.

Neu im Sortiment! Glutenfrei:
Glutenfreie Backwaren als Tiefkühlprodukte: Brot, Pittabrot, Blätterteig, Zimtschnecken und Gipfeli.

Beschreibung der wichtigsten Produkte (-Linien):


Pflanzliche Kügelchen wie Maisbällchen, Gemüsebällchen, Falafel, Kubbeh (Kyfte auf der Basis von Weizeneiweiss und  Hülsenfrüchten).
Diverse Gemüseschnitzel auf der Basis von Mais oder Gemüse-Mischung.


Orientalische Krapfen aus Blätterteig, mit div. Füllungen.
Borekas Pizza (Blätterteigroulade) mit Pizzafüllung.
Pittabrot, Baklava (orientalisches Süss-Gebäck), Maroccan Cigars.

Dips und Saucen:

Hummous (aus Kichererbsen), Auberginen Salat und Salat Turk (türkischer Sauce als Gemüsezubereitungen) und Tachinasauce (aus Sesam).


Kohlrouladen gefüllt mit Reis, Mais, Erbsen und Gewürze. Weinblätter (Dolma) mit Reisfüllung.